
JERUSALEM AND THE STARBASKETS/HUSH ARBORS: I cannot radiato without you/Mr. Bones (7″, The Great Pop Supplement GPS30, 2008)

Jerusalem and the Star Baskets/Hush Arbors

Look at that vinyl – it’s a joy to behold! The gorgeous orange/green split reflects the colours of the band names on either side of the skimpy insert that’s also held within this record’s plastic sleeve. Plain, simple, effective. Love it!

The Great Pop Supplement is a label I’m inclined to buy every release from, as they’ve proved consistent form not only in putting out interesting, out-there music, but they also package stuff brilliantly and uniquely. You don’t get a two-coloured MP3 arriving in five seconds after an iTunes download, do you? There’s more to music than just, er, music. The label is run by Dom, the guy that previously ran Earworm, another inspirational label with a ton of fantastic releases under its belt. I’m sure I read in an old fanzine somewhere that Dom’s inspiration for starting up Earworm came from Keith, the guy behind Wurlitzer Jukebox, a doubly special label that seemed to in some ways signify the early days of the whole alt-folk/post-rock scenes that are now such a massive influence over modern independent music. So you see how the baton gets passed from person to person, and the creativity continues? It’s inspiring!

Oh, and what of the music on this record you ask? Well, I’ll just whip out my jukebox-hole-adapter and give it a spin.

Jerusalem and the Starbaskets: Fuzzy, droney modern take on ’60s R&B. Like an out-take from a sedate Monks session, heard through a filter of Elephant 6 bands and perhaps with a sliver of Sebadoh in there too. Short and sweet.

Hush Arbors: Whacked out, skiffley foresty folk music. Sounds like fun was had. According to the liner notes, ‘Recorded at The Bong, London’. Say no more.

1 thought on “JERUSALEM AND THE STARBASKETS/HUSH ARBORS: I cannot radiato without you/Mr. Bones (7″, The Great Pop Supplement GPS30, 2008)

  1. This post made me smile, I’m Mrs Great Pop Supplement and Dom will be chuffed to know how much you appreciate his records 🙂

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