Uter: Tomorrow's Clowns cover

UTER: Tomorrow’s Clowns (12″, Oscarr TSOSC007)

I have this record because my friend Marceline was in the band. She lived in Glasgow at the time of the record’s release (which is not officially stated on the sleeve, but Discogs places it as 2004), and she was deeply entrenched not only in a very vibrant Glasgow music scene, but in an international […]

Nick Drake – Fruit Tree artwork

NICK DRAKE: Fruit Tree (3LP, Island 006025 1745703 4, 2007)

I believe that this is the first box set that my random number generator has selected for writing about on here. What a good choice! Even though Nick Drake albums are akin to The Catcher in the Rye in terms of items that every self-regarding young fellow has to hand to demonstrate his sensitivity, that […]