Mogwai - Kicking A Dead Pig: Mogwai Songs Remixed + Fear Satan Remixes – front cover

MOGWAI: Kicking A Dead Pig: Mogwai Songs Remixed + Fear Satan Remixes (2LP + 12″, Jetset Records TWA13LP, 1998)

A long time ago, before the existence of Discogs*, I kept notebooks. In those notebooks I used to write down details of records and releases that I’d heard about, liked the sound of, and wanted to get, along with others that I felt I should get to augment my existing collection. I used to be […]

You're Smiling Now But We'll All Turn Into Demons - Contact High


Nestling down at the far end of the alphabet – in between Young Knives and The Zodiac – it’s the heftily-named You’re Smiling Now But We’ll All Turn Into Demons. This is a band that’s hovered around my radar for quite some time; I seem to remember that they once sent a demo and asked […]

Verve - She's A Superstar

VERVE: She’s A Superstar (12″, Hut HUTT 16, 1992)

That’s Verve, of course, not The Verve, as they became, slightly later in their career. I can’t quite remember why they changed their name, but it may have been to do with potential mixups with the Verve record label…? I think they were also known as The Verve UK  in America: it must be pretty painful to […]

EARTHLING SOCIETY: England Have My Bones (LP, Riot Season REPOSELP040, 2014)

“Good old Riot Season…”, to paraphrase an old Yellow Pages television advert. “They’re not just there for the bad things in life”. They are there, though, as a relatively frequent, always reliable source of all things noisy, heavy and ‘out there’, with a previous release list that includes names like Hey Colossus, Shit And Shine, Aufgehoben and Acid […]

LES RALLIZES DÉNUDÉS: Electric Pure Land (2LP)

As seems befitting for a release by the “influential, yet reclusive Japanese avant-garde band” Les Rallizes Dénudés, this double album – the first from the band in my collection – provides few hints in its packaging to what it is, who released it, when it was released or what it contains. Indeed, except for a series of […]

THE OSCILLATION: Cable Street Sessions (12″, Cardinal Fuzz CFUL024, 2014)

Cardinal Fuzz has become one of my favourite record labels of recent times – they seem as concerned with a high quality of finish and design on their releases as I think any label should be, and their records all spin around the axis of noisy, guitar-based psychedelic/experimental music. Win, and indeed win. Cable Street Sessions is […]

TANGERINE DREAM: Alpha Centauri / Atem (2LP, Virgin VD 2504, 1976)

Record companies love to repackage and resell existing product, but in the case of this double album – which compiles a couple of Tangerine Dream’s early releases (Alpha Centauri was originally out in 1971, Atem in 1973) – I don’t have a problem with it. It’s a convenient way for me to hear a couple of […]