Mogwai - Kicking A Dead Pig: Mogwai Songs Remixed + Fear Satan Remixes – front cover

MOGWAI: Kicking A Dead Pig: Mogwai Songs Remixed + Fear Satan Remixes (2LP + 12″, Jetset Records TWA13LP, 1998)

A long time ago, before the existence of Discogs*, I kept notebooks. In those notebooks I used to write down details of records and releases that I’d heard about, liked the sound of, and wanted to get, along with others that I felt I should get to augment my existing collection. I used to be […]

Disco Inferno - Second Language (front)

DISCO INFERNO: Second Language (12″, Rough Trade R3150, 1994)

I have no idea exactly where or when I bought this record. It was long enough ago that it was almost definitely purchased in a shop, rather than online. Based on its year of release, it is likely that it was when I lived in Reading and, therefore, it’s likely that it was bought in […]

Shit And Shine - Charm And Counter-charm

SHIT AND SHINE: Charm And Counter-charm (7″, For Us FU038)

The second mention so far here of Shit And Shine, despite my record collection being inordinately weighted in their direction, due to them being not only an endlessly entertaining and fascinating it, but also to them being ridiculously productive in terms of their vinyl output. Full disclosure: for this website I like to use a […]

Thurston Moore - 12 String Meditations For Jack Rose front cover

THURSTON MOORE: 12 String Meditations For Jack Rose VDSQ – Solo Acoustic Volume Five (LP, Vin Du Select Qualitite VDSQ-005)

Thurston Moore was, of course, the frontman of my all-time favourite band, Sonic Youth. He – and they – are therefore responsible for a hefty wedge of records in my collection. As a band, their output is pretty huge and varied in style; as a solo artist, even more so. This album was released in […]

Sonic Youth - Helen Lundeberg

SONIC YOUTH: Helen Lundeberg (7″, SY-0001)

This is the first 7″ record that my random number generator – the website I use to decide which record from my collection to write about – has pointed me towards. That’s a little intentional, as until very recent times my 7″ records were in no order whatsoever, and it would’ve been tricky to track down any […]

Verve - She's A Superstar

VERVE: She’s A Superstar (12″, Hut HUTT 16, 1992)

That’s Verve, of course, not The Verve, as they became, slightly later in their career. I can’t quite remember why they changed their name, but it may have been to do with potential mixups with the Verve record label…? I think they were also known as The Verve UK  in America: it must be pretty painful to […]

Uncle Wiggly - Non-Stuff

UNCLE WIGGLY: Non-Stuff (LP, Hemiola HEM 7, ?)

The lot of a small-time reviewer is an odd one. I reached merely moderate levels of coverage and/or influence with a series of fanzines – and an associated cassette tape label – back in the early/mid 1990s, selling fanzines to people around the world and maintaining an enjoyable and rich amount of postal-based correspondence with huge […]

HOOD: Silent ’88 (LP, Slumberland SLR 59, 1996)

Hood always felt very much like an English band – specifically, Northern English. Their songs had a gritty, blurred, romantic, hopeful and bleak combination of things going on. For a while, it seemed like they were on their way to becoming a bit of a Big Deal; Silent ’88 represents their ‘let’s break America’ album, in […]

SEAWEED: Deertrap (7″, K IPU 16, 1990)

The K label, and in particular its International Pop Underground series, are an item on my mental ‘over time, I’ll collect all of these records’ list. It’s not a hugely pressing task, it’s more that in the occasional quiet eBay/Discogs-searching moment I may stumble across a bargain or two and decide to go for it. […]

VARIOUS: Crystallized: Celebrating 15 Years Of Rocket Recordings (2LP, Rocket Recordings LAUNCH060, 2013)

I bought this two-album set very recently, after discovering the outstanding weirdo noise outfit Anthroprophh and taking myself on a Spotify-led journey through various releases and connected bands. After being somewhat blown away by the sounds on this compilation when listening online, I read that the physical release came on spattered clear/black vinyl and featured […]